Monday, February 21, 2011

Well, the play is over. And I'm super super sad about that. :(

Favorite things from the play include:

Fenris Ulf (Head of the secret police aka lead wolf): Dancing backstage to "Catch Me if You Can" every night.

Dancing on stage during intermission (while the curtain was closed of course) with: David, Morgan, etc.

David telling me before curtain call: "Abby we auditioned the same night, and when I saw you I thought 'Oh my goodness, that girl is so pretty!' "

"Hey Abs." - David
"Hey David." - Me
"Can be on a nickname friend basis?" - David
"Sure. Hey Daves." - Me
"Yay! That is so cute!" - David

"Okay, you guys, you need to do creepy hands!" - Ms. Leslie (amazing director)
"Oooh, creepy jazz hands!" - Shane and I

"Abs, I was in the dressing room, and I was trying to think of the people I'm going to miss the most. And then I thought...'Abby!' I'm going to miss you so much!" - David

"Ava, nice tie-dye undies!" - Some girl
"Thanks, I did it myself. I didn't have anything else to dye, so I dyed my undies and bra." - Ava
"Ava, you are amazing." - Me
"Oh, I know." - Ava

"Now Patrick, don't let this go to your head, but when you get older, you're going to be super super cute." - Me
"Um. Thanks!" - Patrick

"Here comes Patrick. He's so cute!" - Me
"I know right, I think he's a hottie. Too bad I can't say that because he's 12." - Meagan

"Whoa, I went up to Ms. Beaver and everything and I thought she was black this whole time!" - Leanna

And there where SO many more amazing memories! I'm going to miss my theater family. :(

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