Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Non- productive mess

Today (who am I kidding, this week) I haven't wanted to do school. Which incidentally is the week I have a test a quarterly, a bunch of reading, discussion questions, geometry, etc. etc.

And the worst part is, I woke up this morning thinking I still had another performance. And of course I don't. Which made me all sad.

But my dad took me out for burgers this afternoon. And then we went to a thrift store and got a new book. :) Which made things a bit better.

I WILL be trying out for The Sound of Music in April. Yay!

Well, time to study for my test. Blergh. Pretty sure I bombed my other test. Icky.


  1. I'm right there with you.
    Currently, I'm sitting in the kitchen attempting to do these discussion questions. Instead, I'm procrastinating and reading SO many blogs.

    Ah well.

  2. Haha, pretty sure we should just run away and never do school again!


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