Friday, December 10, 2010

"I wake up its a bad dream..." *

Last night I dreamed that I tried out for the play and they cast me in a different play than I had tried out for. And it was about a black family, and the only reason they wanted me was because I "looked ethnic." I woke up annoyed.

Also, my tryout is in three days, so please, please, please pray. I get so nervous about these things.

Funny story (I'm really sorry for my terrible transitions, but just a heads up, they probably won't get better), the other day, (aka a month ago), I was sitting at a red light with my Great Dane, and this lady pulls up and the kids in the back of her car start waving and blowing kisses at me. I think this is mildly humorous, but then the lady points at the kids, and mouths, "they're not mine!" Hilarious. I still love that lady to this day.

Props to my dad for going and getting sourdough and cinnamon-chip bread from the bakery yesterday. :) Da-lish.

Well, I have to go shopping for Samaritans Purse this morning with the Key Club, so I'd better go get ready.

Here's a picture I just found from my dad's newly restoredish computer.

I'm pretty sure this is a testament to how hot my family is. hahah

*song lyric by Keane (formerly Cherrry Keane)

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