Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cheesecake. Unicorn/Dragons. Yoga.

Today was pretty grand. I got out of school for a Kiwanis luncheon, where I had possibly THE best cheesecake ever made. Yeah. Pretty legit.

Then I went home and promptly worked it off with some yoga.

DRUMROLL!!!!!!! (but really it isn't effective, cause there are no drums. ca-rap.) I lost three pounds. Aka pretty much what I've gained since my summer weight loss plan (which, incidentally was short lived).

Also, there was this awesome hayride that Abby-part-two and her little bro forgot blankets for and guess who had to share. No, not Elmo, me. Yeah. Not too fun, but whateves. I think they're pretty shizzy, so I forgave them.

On a totally different note, one of my bff's (Dane) Grandma passed away this week, so send them happy thoughts and prayers.

Also, yoga zone is on hulu?! How weirdly rad is that? I'll tell you. Pretty much like a mixture between a unicorn and a dreagon. I know, I know.

So, I was gonna post a picture, but lo and behold, the camera on my sister's pro isn't working. Lame much? So, I'm posting one of her friend, Christofferson. Just cause I can! MUAHAHAHHA. And its going to be one he deleted. No, my sister doesn't go through the trash on her computer, what?

Note: Stofferson, if you ever find this and it offends you, Ems gave me permission so there.

I just found a picture of a unicorn dragon. My mind is officially blown. How exciting.

Pretty classy looking, right?

This is my new girl style crush. Not like that. NO NON. She's just beautiful and cool looking. And looks all alternative/chic/hippie. Her name is Sarah Rubba. I'm sorry I'm not citing this, but I just pull stuff I like and stick it in a folder. :(

If I could take pictures, I would want them to have that kind of feel. So yeah, I need to go get ready and do school. Live long and prosper.

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