Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am not dead. I have been trying (sometimes in vain) to concentrate on school more. Which means I probably won't be blogging as much. Don't cry too hard.

Also, I've learned a plethora of songs (okay. fine. not a plethora.) on the piano and I've been driving my mom everywhere. My sisters are finally back, we got a new kitchen floor and refrigerator.

And then. The most delicious brunch evers. We went to 300 East (AMAZING FOOD! GO NOW!) and got lemon curd filled french toast with blueberry sauce and ice cream as well as crab cakes with eggs benedict and holendaise sauce with a side of bacon and asparagus (bacon with the french toast. asparagus with crab cakes). Okay, I'm sure you're thinking I'm a chub-muffin, but I split this with Dad. I don't know if that makes it better. Hmm.

Next on the food list: Terrace Cafe. (aka place with red velvet waffles).

Note to self: Start exercising again. Pronto.


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