Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why doesn't drama just go and play with someone else's life.

So. I have a small problemo. I have this awesome new friend who is hilarious and a lot like me. But my old friends are really jealous, even though they still have a little group (and I still hang out with them more than said new friend). Said new friend comes to the Key Club I'm in charge of, and since she and her brother don't have many friends there, I try to make them feel welcome. But this makes the old friends feel left out. I'm trying to balance both of them, but somehow my old friends take offense and talk about me behind my back. I'm not mad at them at all, but I wish they would come and talk to ME about it. Apparently one of the offended friends is going to "talk" (most likely text) to me about it, and I can't wait for the awkwardness to get out of the way, so everything can be normal.

Blegh. I wish friends never felt left-out. But I guess I need to work on being more inclusive. I don't even know.

On another note, I'm trying out for a play soon! Its Narnia the musical and I really really want to get in. Please send prayers and happy thoughts. I'm also performing in the gallery at the end of next semester and I'm going to sing this song! I know I've posted a lot of songs lately, but music is my love, so get over it.

Also, before I post the video, if anyone has advice on the friend situation that would be GREATLY appreciated. Loves!


  1. Honestly, if they're talking behind your back about you, how in the world are they being good friends? I know it's more complicated than that, but it's so childish to be jealous just because your friend is trying to make other people feel welcome.

    It's not you who needs to be more inclusive, it's them!

    Anywho...I'm definitely not the best advice person..but chyeah.

    A NARNIA MUSICAL?! That sounds like the best thing ever. Where is it?

  2. Thank you! Thats exactly what I was thinking, but I didn't want to seem like a meanie-head. And you are pretty good at advice by the way.

    And I know right!? Its at the Gastonia Little Theater. Fingers crossed that I get in! :)


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